Why Windows 10??


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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There seems to be much speculation as to why Microsoft jumped over Windows 9 and decided that Windows 10 was the better choice of a name for their newest flagship Operating System.
Some, much better, than the lame excuse given during the Preview Event.
The one I've found most, or at least more plausible has to do with existing third party program code referencing 9 (as in Windows 95 / Windows 98).

SOURCE: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...-why-microsoft-skipped-windows-9-9769537.html

At least it seems to make some sort of sense.... or not.
Oct 2, 2014
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Well, actually code is written so that it references the GUID or the dll or whatever. Names aren't really that important.

The reason they jumped is more about marketing than anything else. Windows 9 would always been viewed as Windows 8.1.2. And all the complaints that would have come along with that.

This way, they get to release the Start Menu improvements AFTER they get feedback from the users. There is a built in feedback system that you can use. It even pops up questions after you have used a feature a bit. They ask for your feedback. They want to get the balance between the Touch interface and the Desktop one right. But, of course, that will be impossible. With billions of users, you are going to get millions of different opinions.
Nov 19, 2013
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That article escaped me , Trouble. Thanks for posting.
I may be caustic and sarcastic, in my posts concerning Windows X, but this article agrees with my findings and views and certainly expresses it better.
I have no problem at all with what I see in Windows X, and expect the small missing items to be rectified before the final release.

Quote from my post yesterday
:Your first sentence "Just seems to be Win8 with a similar Win7/Win8 menu.", I am, at this early stage, inclined to agree with, but would reword your remark to "just seems to be Win7 with a new, Win8 menu."
I have looked through quite a number of the system files, and they mostly correspond in size (+/-) with those in Windows 8. I am afraid, against my better instincts, I am not to optimistic about seeing any dramatic future changes - but who knows."


Oct 18, 2014
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The reason they jumped is more about marketing than anything else. Windows 9 would always been viewed as Windows 8.1.2. And all the complaints that would have come along with that.

This way, they get to release the Start Menu improvements AFTER they get feedback from the users.

Wrong right, or indifferent, these were my first thoughts as well.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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So now we have our very own OS-X (WinOS-X, wOS-X) and according to some pretty reliable (if that is even possible) rumor mills......
That's it.
No more "Windows" major releases (as in Windows 11), but instead, annual incremental updates (as in 10.1, 10.2 and so forth)

So given that the above is true (and really who the heck knows, we all thought it was going to be called Windows 9), what are your thoughts going forward.
Will we be referring to the incrementals by their respective code names like "Threshold" and if so, I have to wonder what might be coming in the way of a naming convention.
I mean.... big cat names are already taken and so, 2001. :)
Nov 19, 2013
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I would repeat myself. This is an early, test build. It has a long way to go (I'm hoping, fingers crossed) before I will consider it my last Microsoft OS. Until then it remains at Windows 8.1.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
More news on the upcoming latest build release suggests that perhaps our OS-X is going to look and behave much like their osX.


It sometimes amazes me what seems to receive focus from developers (like Windows "Shake" does anyone even use that?).
I hope in the mean time they have some other developers concentrating on actually fixing some of the kinks.
Personally I could do with a whole lot less Eye Candy, if I had an OS again that I could actually customize a bit more easily without adding third party overlays.
But that's just me.

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