Windows 10 Crashes and can't be reinstalled

Aug 22, 2017
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I was using my desktop today that is running windows 10 and all of a sudden it froze and then one it was frozen I proceeded to restart it. Once I restarted the computer the only thing that showed up on my screen was the recovery screen that says that your computer needs a boot media to be repaired and then at the bottom it said press enter to try again, f8 for startup setting and esc for UEFI settings but then it just went to black and said insert boot disk or media. When I put in my windows 10 installation USB and hit a key nothing happened. So after I tried to just use the installation media and reinstall windows 10 I got to the screen where you choose what drive to put it on. But my ssd was not there and my hard drive was and another 2 were there but I couldn't put windows 10 on any of them. So I unplugged my ssd but when I went to the same page nothing showed up. After, I fiddled around and got back to the recovery page but every time I tried to press enter or f8 the page refreshed. So I need help trying to at least reinstall windows


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello and welcome to the forum.
It sounds to me like you have a hardware issue, likely an issue with one or more physical drives plugged into the SATA bus, it might even be an optical drive if it is using your SATA architecture or somthing as simple as a bad SATA cable.
Worse case, it could be a problem with the bus itself in which case you'll likely need a new MoBo.

Try reducing you internal hardware to a bare minimum. One hard drive attached to SATA 0 (zero) and a single stick of RAM. IF possible remove any add-in cards if any are present.
Disconnect everything that is not absolutely necessary from both your power supply and its' interface (cable or slot) on your mainboard.

There seems to be some inconsistency when it comes to hardware enumeration and any attached device with a physical problem or an interface problem might be causing this.

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