Windows 10 Random Freezes

Jun 8, 2017
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My laptop keeps randomly freezing every few days, where the mouse cursor doesn't move and nothing happens at all. I have to hold down the power button and turn the laptop off and on again to get it working.

I have done a CHKDSK and it found no errors. I have also done the Windows memory test and it came back ok.

There is lots of data on my laptop that I don't want to lose, so formatting is a last resort.

Any suggestions on what I can try to get this darn thing working again?
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi B. Chester,

do you have an AMD laptop?, if you do; don't use Edge browser as this caused problems for me, try installing a different browser like FireFox or Google Chrome/Opera.

My PC had a complete meltdown using Edge and since I have switched to using only FireFox, it is now okay!. :)
Jun 8, 2017
Reaction score
Hello Wolfie,

No, it's not AMD it has a i5-7200U by Intel. I have spoken to Acer and they recommend a factory reset, so I will do this later today and see if it helps.
Apr 12, 2015
Reaction score
My laptop keeps randomly freezing every few days, where the mouse cursor doesn't move and nothing happens at all. I have to hold down the power button and turn the laptop off and on again to get it working.

I have done a CHKDSK and it found no errors. I have also done the Windows memory test and it came back ok.

There is lots of data on my laptop that I don't want to lose, so formatting is a last resort.

Any suggestions on what I can try to get this darn thing working again?
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I have experienced random freezing for at least a year and participated in a thread on this website some time ago. Nobody came up with a solution so far as I can recall. However, my problem stopped for a while as fast as it began, but recently I've experience a couple freezes. As before, I do a Ctrl-Alt-Delete, wait a few minutes until Windows decides to work again, and then stop all active processes. Possibly, just waiting a few minutes may work, but I don't recall trying that.

By the way, I'm using the latest version of Windows 10 Pro on a homemade desktop computer containing some ancient parts. In spite of the ancient parts, I have had nearly no problems with Windows 10, and I've been running it since the Insider Program began. Microsoft told me I absolutely needed a new motherboard et al, but my computer keeps running anyway like the bee who doesn't know it can't fly but does anyway.

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