Windows randomly deletes restore points

Jul 8, 2017
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Windows randomly deletes restore points, even ones I have manually created. Is it possible to create a manual restore point that windows cannot possibly delete?
Jul 8, 2017
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found out whats causing this.. windows seems to create a restore point whenever i remove/install a new program and it overides the manual restore points that i create.. how do i prevent windows from creating a restore point everytime i install/remove a program?
Feb 18, 2016
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I don't think that MS want user to use the Restore feature and this is why they turn it off and delete all restore points. They are forcing us to use the Advanced settings settings to repair the PC. I make sure that Restore is enabled after every update.
Feb 18, 2016
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I don't understand why you wouldn't want a restore point automatically created after a major update to the OS.

Quote "how do i prevent windows from creating a restore point everytime i install/remove a program?

Open Restore > configure and Disable system protection. However that will delete all Restore points
Last edited:
Sep 26, 2017
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I have a shortcut that I use to create a new restore point as desired, now set at once a day. There is a Registry setting to change the time interval, default is 1440 minutes from the previous point. I did get an automatic point set 22 hours ago and all the previous ones had been deleted. I'll try a manual one later today and see what happens.
Jul 8, 2017
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I don't understand why you wouldn't want a restore point automatically created after a major update to the OS.

Quote "how do i prevent windows from creating a restore point everytime i install/remove a program?

Open Restore > configure and Disable system protection. However that will delete all Restore points

Because i want to use my own restore points. The problem is that windows deletes my restore points whenever i install/remove programs.

I have a shortcut that I use to create a new restore point as desired, now set at once a day. There is a Registry setting to change the time interval, default is 1440 minutes from the previous point. I did get an automatic point set 22 hours ago and all the previous ones had been deleted. I'll try a manual one later today and see what happens.
I create my own manual restore points, I don't want windows to create restore points automatically because i deletes the ones i create myself
Feb 18, 2016
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Restore points are not designed to be kept forever, it's just a safety net provided by MS that will allow you to revert back to your settings after any type of major OS changes. Manual or Automatic restore points are automatically deleted by Windows. Using old restore points outdated restore points will cause unwanted OS problems. You would be far better off creating a regular system image.
Sep 26, 2017
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Could it be the amount of space set up by a User is what is causing the deletions? Windows will delete as needed for its own creation of a restore point when insufficient space is allowed and it is on a per-disk or per-partition basis. Mine is set for the C: drive/partition only, not for data storage drives.
Feb 18, 2016
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OK! Another way of looking at the issue is that MS have created a "Best before date" for created restore points, whether they are manual or Automatically created. Using restore points after the "Best before date" is hazardous to your PC's health.

I don't think it's a problem or issue to be overly concerned with. It's just a procedural change of how Windows 10 delivers major O/S updates. Windows now deletes all of your restore points, you should be aware by now that it’s completely normal, and not big issue that can' be circumvented, previous system restore points are now deleted? In the main, that’s because your previous system restore points were for previous Windows 10 Anniversary/Creator versions, and by performing system restore, you're basically rolling back to a previous obsolete version, which is not possible. After a major OS update simply enable system restore and create another manual restore point. Better still create a system image.

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