File Name Warning on Start Up

Feb 26, 2021
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Hey all,

I've had my Dell laptop for about three years. I just got a message on start up saying that there is a file or folder named C:\Program and I should rename it or not perform the file check on start up. I've seen one other post about this from November 2018 but there wasn't necessarily a resolution posted, even though it says "Solved". The user apparently just selected "Don't perform on start up" option and then never followed up. Is this a common problem?




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Feb 3, 2017
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I don’t see this & I haven’t read of anyone else seeing this on their PC so it’s not a common problem.
Where is the Program folder seen?
Are there any files in it?
Have you tried deleting the folder?
Have you scanned for Malware?
When did the folder first appear?
Feb 26, 2021
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I don’t see this & I haven’t read of anyone else seeing this on their PC so it’s not a common problem.
Where is the Program folder seen?
Are there any files in it?
Have you tried deleting the folder?
Have you scanned for Malware?
When did the folder first appear?
Hi Bastet,

See the following link for the thread I mentioned from 2018 that is marked "Solved" without follow up text:

The screen shot I've included above is the only file that fits the search criterion, I will include another screenshot of the search, below.

As I type this though, I figured I would search it again and look at the properties of the folder. It appears it is from my antivirus software, Web Root.

I have scanned for Malware, via Web Root Secure Anywhere.

The file first appeared, according to the properties was 2/25/21.

This seems benign now. Thanks for the response; you've prompted me to look closer and discover the above evidence. Pretty sure this is just linked to the antivirus software Web Root haha.


- Z


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Feb 26, 2021
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As a follow up, I'll click "ignore" for now, and if the problem persists, I will rename the folder. I'll post the results either way, then mark this thread as "solved". Cheers!
Oct 15, 2021
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As a follow up, I'll click "ignore" for now, and if the problem persists, I will rename the folder. I'll post the results either way, then mark this thread as "solved". Cheers!
Hi there. Got the same situation, but...
I found a file with that name on the system drive. After opening it I realized it refers to the UPS monitoring tool with a set of batch commands leading either to the tool configuration or application/service launch. Anyhow, as it missed file type appendix I just added TXT to it. Result: System popped up a notification regarding "folder" named Program.txt. It offered option to rename it to Program1.txt. The funny thing is that it is not a FOLDER (and never was) but TXT file as shown in its description. I performed search for any fragment in registry referring to this folder/file or former tool with no success. But I found it on the startup list. I suspect it is a fragment of this monitoring tool I uninstalled soon after it was installed but the uninstaller did not work properly and left a mess on the file system. I also found a shortcut in Common startup folder referring to it. Deleted, record disappeared as well as popups and life is beautiful again :)
Hopefully it gives at least a hint... Mato
May 13, 2022
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I too found a "Program" file on the root drive (c:\Program), which contained some year old text of an update manifest. I just deleted it and the error went away. Windows sees this as a "system special folder"; that is, it thinks it must be "c:\Program Files", but that folder exists so it tries to rename it to c:\Program1. If it does rename it, then Windows wants to rename it again, c:\Program2, and so on. So, just delete it.

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