SOLVED Is MS Office 2010 stopping upgrade to WIN 10 version 1903?

Jan 15, 2016
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My desktop seems to be stock at WIN 10 version 1809. Each attempt to upgrade to the next version fails - sometimes with error code but usually just the little window in the middle of my monitor saying "Update failed, try again". Update troubleshooter finds nothing wrong. Is it possible that my Office 2010 is the problem?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Is it possible that my Office 2010 is the problem?
Nope.... I wouldn't think so. I know that Office 2010 needs to have its' own latest updates installed in order to run properly on Windows 10 but I don't believe that even that would be responsible for preventing your upgrade.
Jun 9, 2017
Reaction score
I tend to let others test the new stuff for errors.
What I would suggest is that you run some DISM Tools to repair your windows Image.
Open a CMD Prompt type cmd right click cmd.exe and select run as administrator
Copy and paste each tool one at a time and allow them to finish some will take quite a long time to run with many repairs to make
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth These two are basic check
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth These two actually make repairs
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

SFC /scannow Run this one 3 times this will take quite a while to complete. This one finds errors and repairs them.

chkdsk C: /f Same old chkdsk and repair, we have always used.

After these all complete with results showing no errors

I would download the latest Windows version from MCT allow the tool to create a USB thumb drive Install media.

I would make sure I have all the latest drivers for your computer downloaded and installed.

Once everything is updated then insert your USB install media and browse to the setup.exe Click it, an install will start you'll click upgrade this computer and check to keep file and Apps.

This repair Install upgrade will keep all your programs and apps, Data and most of your settings. Will most likely complete upgrading you to 1909
Last edited:
Jan 15, 2016
Reaction score
Wow most complete list of things to try I ever saw! Many thanks - will let everyone know how it turns out.
Jan 15, 2016
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Nothing has worked - will take my desktop to trusted local service company to locate and update hardware or driver limitations


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
As one last possible option and something that has worked for me in the past

There is a download tab along the top menu bar.
Also you might find it very helpful to first, make sure any and all critical data is backed up before proceeding any further and then
Grab the latest ISO using the Media Creation Tool here

It's not often but it's not at all rare either that a previously downloaded file or files produced by previous attempts to upgrade can be corrupt and if they are, you'll never get a successful upgrade using those existing files that may be present on your computer.

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