SOLVED Recent Windows update destroys camera recognition

Dec 23, 2015
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Good morning
My husband's Canon camera uses wi-fi to connect and upload photos to computer. Worked perfectly until Creative Update then camera no longer listed in Devices. Have been in contact with Canon who were very kind and suggested lots of settings to review and or change but still the camera was not found.
I uninstalled and re-installed the camera software several times to no avail. I then downloaded and set it up on my own computer where it took all of a couple of minutes to get working. So the issue is with my husband's computer.
The camera recognizes the network and this particular computer's name but cannot find the device. Obviously it can't because the device is not found on the computer! It did find my computer when I had the software installed. I have since removed it from my computer.
It should be such a simple thing to get working again but I have been trying for a week now. Is there some simple factor I have not checked?
I have been into services.msc and changed settings for Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service as instructed, changed Advanced sharing settings in Network and Sharing Center, tried Adding Device at the same time I was having the camera search for it - all to no avail.
Has anyone come across this issue before?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Have been in contact with Canon who were very kind and suggested lots of settings to review and or change but still the camera was not found.
Interesting. I would have thought that they would have a work around or fix if one were available.
I then downloaded and set it up on my own computer where it took all of a couple of minutes to get working. So the issue is with my husband's computer.
Likewise..... very interesting. IS your computer identical in every respect including the version of Windows 10 running, as your husband's computer.
My husband's Canon camera uses wi-fi to connect and upload photos to computer
This is just a wild guess, but perhaps it has something to do with the protocol used by the Camera to communicate with the Computer in which case it may involve SMBv1 in which case you might try the suggestion I made in this thread and see if has any impact on your particular problem.

Not optimal I realize, but might be worth investigating just to see if it might be a potential / possible solution.
Dec 23, 2015
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Hi Trouble
First of all apologies for late reply. I did not get an email alerting me to the post and got so busy with work I forgot I had asked the question.
Anyway,I looked up the post you mentioned and the SMBv1 was already ticked so that was no good.
Somehow - not even sure why now - I opened System in Settings and saw the setting Shared Experiences which I had not come across before. It was ON but set to My Devices Only, which I though appropriate as it was his camera and his computer. On a whim I changed it to Everybody Nearby and would you believe the Camera was recognised instantly and everything finally worked!.
Why it needed this to work is a mystery as everything on all our computers on our network is set to Share!
"On the Creators Update, Windows 10 has a new feature called "Shared experiences," which allows you to start working on an app and then resume the same task on another device. You can even open the app remotely to resume a task if it's not already running. Depending on the app, it's also possible to remote control applications, share web links, and send messages across devices, including on Windows 10, Xbox, iOS, and Android devices."
Doesn't really describe the situation in my case but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth!


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Somehow - not even sure why now - I opened System in Settings and saw the setting Shared Experiences which I had not come across before. It was ON but set to My Devices Only, which I though appropriate as it was his camera and his computer. On a whim I changed it to Everybody Nearby and would you believe the Camera was recognised instantly and everything finally worked!.
I'm certainly glad that you found a solution that worked for you, although.....
I was under the impression that "Shared experience" was a feature that was targeted to Windows 10 devices only (specifically devices running at least Windows 10 Anniversary Update)
Share Across Devices is an app for any Windows 10 Anniversary Update phone, tablet, PC or even Xbox One or Hololens which lets you share any web link or text from any app to any other Windows 10 Anniversary device that you own.
Version 2.0 of the app, just released, adds support for File Transfer.

Now you can share any file to any other Windows 10 Anniversary device running Share Across Devices . The file transfer takes place over local wired or wireless connections (so not over cellular networks and cross-organization communications networks).

So.... while that actually worked to solve your particular issue, the why is a bit of a mystery.
I'm certainly glad that it did.
Dec 23, 2015
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Yes I agree - Shared Experiences has nothing to do with my situation. I wonder now if I could just have turned it OFF which may have forced Windows to go back to the Device and Printers way of recognizing the camera! I can't bring myself to try it in case it wrecks everything again! I suppose I should because the sharing with "everybody nearby" is a bit worrying!

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