Restore point problem - issue with time format of drivers

Jan 12, 2021
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I want to use a recent restore point, but I encounter the following issue:

If I click on "Scan for affected programs", I get a list with literally hundreds of drivers that will be de-installed and re-installed.

The point is, none of these drivers have been changed recently, in fact Windows wants to remove them and reinstall them with exactly the same version.
The problem is that somehow the formatting of the dates appears changed, e.g. "19.03.2015" vs. "3/19/2015", see attached screenshot.
I can choose from 3 recent restore points, but all three have the same issue...

Since I don't think it is a good idea to uninstall all my drivers, is there any workaround to "fix" this again?

Thanks for your help!

Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi, in you second pic, it is showing the American dating system, what is your system language set to?. :cool:
Jan 12, 2021
Reaction score
Hi, thanks for the reply.
It is set to English (United States). The computer is built in Germany but I changed the language to English right after delivery (that was about in May 2020). Interestingly, I once used a restore point last year, and then I did not have this issue with the date formatting.

The only thing I could think of that messed something up: in December 2020 I tried to update Windows 10 from version 1909 to version 20H2. This did not work out and Windows did not start anymore. After several reboots it automatically restored itself to a previous state.
Looking in the Update History, it says "Feature update to Windows 10, version 20H2 (2) - Last failed install attempt on ‎28.‎12.‎2020 - 0xc1900101"

Could this have somehow caused the discrepancy, that Windows thinks that all the drivers have been changed?


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