Win 10 boot!

May 4, 2020
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Hi everyone,

My Acer laptop crashed from a BSOD and I'm no longer able to boot into Win 10, I suspect it was a recent Win 10 update but cannot be 100% sure. These are the things I've attempted to troubleshoot my laptop.

- Attempted to use Win 10 self fix service, system restore etc. but none of the features are working.
- Downloaded Win 10 onto USB boot drive and booted through USB drive and was able to access command prompt.
- Followed rebuild BCD procedure and typed Bootrec /rebuildbcd and got "Total identified Windows installations: 0"
- Typed attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s and "ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old – got "File not found – C:\boot\bcd"
- Google told me to try bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup and I got "Operations has failed"
- Tried the safe boot command bcdedit /set {default} safeboot minimal and got "The boot configuration data store could not be opened"
- I checked Diskpart > list volume and my SSD is not showing up but only the USB drive.
- Tried to do a new Win 10 installation via the USB drive but it cannot pickup the SSD. I double checked in BIOS and I can see my SSD is still there.

Any steps I can try before I have to resort doing a clean format of the SSD.

Thanks all in advance!


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello and welcome to the forum.
I suspect it was a recent Win 10 update but cannot be 100% sure.
You're not alone.
Although it seems to be very limited, some users are reporting that KB4549951 might be the culprit
Some have reported minimal success uninstalling it.
Worth a read.

Keep us posted on your experience with this problem.

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