Xbox Controller with Steam Games no Push to Talk

Oct 23, 2017
Reaction score
I play Fallout 76 - Wastelanders through Steam on PC. I have the new version xbox controller with the headphone adapter. The game uses push to talk, which normally has a hotkey associated with it. I have both the xbox headset and a Corsair HS35 stereo headset with built-in push to talk button. I have the xbox game bar settings enabled, and the in-game settings set to area. I can hear things fine, but when I run into another player they can't hear me talking. There are others playing the game using the game controller that seem to communicate just fine. Is there something I'm missing here? I turned off the GeForce game overlay to avoid conflicks. Another problem is recording video, I used the xbox game bar to record two different game clips which uploaded to YouTube successfully, but two days later it won't record. With this forum being so large, is there anyone who can help me sort out these two problems?
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi Charles,

I have no idea about such devices but you can try a driver download and also check each game setting for audio input/output. :)

Further, check in Control Panel > Sound and see what is set as default sound device. ;)


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry.... we have a few gamer members but I can't speak to how active they are nor if they are purists (keyboard and mouse) or if they occasionally will plug an Xbox controller into their PC.

Perhaps another forum more targeted at Xbox might be more helpful

Pretty sure you're not
the only person in the world with this problem
But for the most part we do basic, nuts and bolts, Windows 10 stuff here.
I wish sometimes we had more gamers around, I find it interesting although I don't do much of it anymore.
I'd love to hear if you are able to resolve your issue and again.....
Sorry we, at least so far, didn't have an answer to your problem.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi Charles,

did you try a new driver download?. Is it possible that your device is defective?. :)
Oct 23, 2017
Reaction score
Sorry.... we have a few gamer members but I can't speak to how active they are nor if they are purists (keyboard and mouse) or if they occasionally will plug an Xbox controller into their PC.

Perhaps another forum more targeted at Xbox might be more helpful

Pretty sure you're not

But for the most part we do basic, nuts and bolts, Windows 10 stuff here.
I wish sometimes we had more gamers around, I find it interesting although I don't do much of it anymore.
I'd love to hear if you are able to resolve your issue and again.....
Sorry we, at least so far, didn't have an answer to your problem.
Thanks for this information. It turns out people have been asking about this for a while. I also play Fallout 4 with mods, and someone made a mod that lets you use a mouse and keyboard while playing with a controller. Theoretically it can be done, I will check out that link, thank you.

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