SOLVED Computers not appearing on the Network Map after installation of Version 1511 (KB3103688)

Nov 19, 2015
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After upgrading to Windows 10 Version 1511, several of the computers on my home network are not showing up on the Network Map. The same missing computers are also in my Homegroup, and I can access the shared Homegroup files with no problems and the missing computers are shown . Contacted support and we tried various things all to no avail. Network Discovery and sharing settings are all correct; tried re-creating the Homegroup with no change to the problem; Link-Layer Topology settings are all correct; tried un-installing the 1511 upgrade and problem is still there although the problem was not there prior to the first upgrade to 1511; tried re-installing Windows 10 Version 1511 on one of the missing computers but it was still missing from the Network Map after the re-installation; I can successfully ping all of the computers missing from the Network Map; the missing computers are showing in the Network/Media Devices section, but not on the Network Map; some of the upgraded to 1511 computers are showing on the Network Map, but not all of them; when I run the built in Trouble shooting, it tells me that "One or more Network protocols are missing on this computer/Windows socket registry entries required for network connectivity are missing"; however, when I run the 'Try these repairs as an administrator', the trouble shooter says the problem was fixed yet it remains. I've searched online for potential solutions but found nothing.

So apparently we have a total mystery to Microsoft support and everyone else. Any suggestions or support would be appreciated.
Nov 19, 2015
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One additional mystery. I have a couple of computers on the network that are running Windows 7, and the network map on these devices is complete and shows the devices that are not visible from the Windows 10 devices. I have 8 devices on the network that are running Windows 10 - 3 of them don't show on the network when viewed from a Windows 10 device, yet the other 5 devices running Windows 10 are visible from any device on the network. Thus there must be a setting problem in the 3 Windows 10 devices that don't show up on the the other Windows 10 devices yet do show up when viewed from the Windows 7n devices. Very odd!
Nov 20, 2015
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I confirm. It is a bug. Looks also at he other thread "Help with LAN not recognizing Hard wired computers or drives". No solution at the moment but it is Microsoft fault after the big update. I have the bug in 4 pc. After restarting some services now one pc it's ok. I don't know how. The other three pc now, after the last update, see the others except the synology nas. But the fourth pc see the nas. If the fourth pc is off the others see the nas.
Off course all pc can log in other way, either mapping in unit and ping it is ok. They only miss in explorer net directory
Nov 19, 2015
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Yes - seems like the bug is not affecting all updated devices as I have two updated devices that are mapped on the network and visible from all devices on my network, both Windows 10 updated and Windows 7 devices. Let me know if you come across any solutions. I spent several hours on the phone with Mircosoft support and they could not resolved the problem and ultimately 'punted' by suggesting that I should wait for future updates which may or may not resolve the issue.
Nov 19, 2015
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Hey, I found a link to a solution that worked for me.

Here was the solution:

After the Win 10 Threshold 2 Upgrade, many users are having Networking issues, especially not being able to see other PC's on the network in File Explorer's Network panel and Homegroup panel.

I have 3 Laptops on my network and encountered this issue and have spent several days tweaking all sorts of settings and trying many solutions I saw online. Finally one worked and now I can see all 3 Laptops in each panel in the Network section and all 3 Laptops in each panel in the Homegroup section. So everything is back to functioning properly.

This is what worked for me:

Open the services menu by clicking start and then typing 'services.msc' and pressing enter.

Look for the following services in the list:

· DNS Client
· Function Discovery Provider Host
· Function Discovery Resource Publication
· Peer Networking Grouping
· HomeGroup Provider
· HomeGroup Listener
· SSDP Discovery
· UPnP Device Host

1. I reset each of these settings FROM "Manual" TO "Automatic" one by one.

2. Right after doing each of those changes, I RESTARTED each service.

3. On two of the Laptops I had to LEAVE the Homegroup and REJOIN it.

4. I shut down all the Laptops and restarted each back up one at a time, starting with my primary Laptop which was the creator of the Homegroup.

Everything is displaying perfectly now!

The only other change today was I got this Cumulative Update which updated Win 10 on all 3 Laptops.

Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3118754)

I'm not sure if that KB3118754 update had a part in helping fix things or not, but the update did install before things started working again and I did these changes above after the update.

Win 10 is definitely quite a bit of work to maintain compared to prior versions of Windows, and you have to be really tech savvy to know what to do when things stop functioning. I can't imagine how users who don't have tech mind skills are handling it.

Good Luck to those having this networking issue. There are a ton of users experiencing problems, so Threshold 2 definitely has serious networking bugs.
Nov 23, 2015
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It says solved at the top, no this has not been solved.
The last solution did not work. As a matter of fact I have one computer that doesn't see itself in the network (that is a bit weird) yet everything shows up if I run IP Scanner and can connect through that.
Nov 19, 2015
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Well, it's solved for me at least - can't say about others. Hope that you can figure it out.
Nov 23, 2015
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I hope so too, this is my local network at work. I have similar problems at home and will see if this solution works there.
Nov 19, 2015
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My problem was with my home network so perhaps it is another issue on a work or server network. If you have more problems maybe you could contact the guy that posted that solution on the other Windows 10 forum. Best of luck to you on it!
Dec 1, 2015
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I'm having the same problem. My WD MyCloud is not showing up on the network map. Wish they would fix this. Thought I should mention that I did a PC refresh just to see what would happen and it fixed the issue, so it's something about the upgrade process or possibly another program that is interfering.
Dec 9, 2015
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I'm having the same problem pc is not being listed. My WD MyCloud is not showing up on the network map.
Nov 19, 2015
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My work around, which I have to do every time I log in or reboot, is to open up Services, and re-start the 'Function Discovery Resource Publication' service. While it shows as 'running' and in automatic start, if I re-start it, my 'missing' computer suddenly reappears on the Network map. I have to do that for any computer that's missing (i.e., go to that computer and restart the Function Discovery Resource Publication). This bug only affects 3 of the Windows 10 devices that are on my network - there are other Windows 10 devices that never exhibit the problem, and none of the Windows 7 devices on my network have the problem. Also, when one of the 3 Windows 10 devices that have the problem are missing on the map, they are only missing on the Windows 10 device maps - they are showing on the Windows 7 device maps. Good luck!
Dec 10, 2015
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I likewise have this problem on three of the computers I administrate at work, and none of the above mentioned 'solutions' work for me. This problem is definitely not solved and pertains to Windows 10 computers connected to a network, both hardwired and over WiFi.
Dec 16, 2015
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I had same issue today after Windows update. I have the 1511 build on Windows 10. Have Dell Inspiron. Called MS and we did a winsock reset in CMD prompt as administrator. It worked!!!! Thank god. Here is link to website that walks you though the command prompt process. I thought I would have to restore back to old Windows version and lose data. So happy.
Dec 18, 2015
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i have same problem on two computer after up date 1511 one i rolled back the up date and got network map back tried to roll back the other computer and it stop working for win 10 interface had to reinstall win 10. still no network map every thing else seems to work. I guess i will wait for MS to fix this.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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The title of this thread references
"after installation of Version 1511 (KB3103688)", and.....
Is a bit dated, I believe we've had multiple cumulative updates since then, including the most recent KB3124200, so....
I'm wondering if the problem is still present after updating to the latest version 1511 Build 10586.36
Oct 31, 2015
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The title of this thread references
"after installation of Version 1511 (KB3103688)", and.....
Is a bit dated, I believe we've had multiple cumulative updates since then, including the most recent KB3124200, so....
I'm wondering if the problem is still present after updating to the latest version 1511 Build 10586.36
See Mary Thompson's post above that is after the recent update and she has a solution.
Dec 21, 2015
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I'm wondering if the problem is still present after updating to the latest version 1511 Build 10586.36
I installed that version on Dec 17th, now up to current date. Still not fixed. I'll next try Mary's winsock reset and restart, although I'm not sure which PC on the network. Perhaps one at a time? Just Win10 (the blind one)?, or just Win8 (the only one Win10 can't see). Wouldn't just rebooting the PC reset the winsock ?

Ok I did the winsock reset and restart for all PCs. It did not fix the problem, which is that Winsows 10 can't see the Windows 8 computer. Also Windows 10 still gives that 1231 error when using net view, but the others do not, they simply list all the networked PCs as they do in Explorer,
Last edited:
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
I found this url that help resolved my issue.
By running the following command and rebooting pc I can now see my pc on the network list.
Run “netcfg -d” from an admin command prompt, then reboot and reconfigure networking.

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