SOLVED Creators Fall Update - Sign Out not working

Jun 26, 2015
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CF Update installed three days ago.
At first everything was fine, but after a few hours a user sign out resulted in a black screen with blue circle.
By the second day this was happening more frequently, the only way out was to restart the computer and then sign out.
On the third day any use of sign out resulted in the black screen with blue circle and a restart of the computer didn't clear it;
unable to switch from one user to the other.

Anyone else having this or knows anything about it?
Jun 26, 2015
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Thanks for that, something else to try since other ideas haven't work.
Win 10 itself does load and start without any problems, as does opening the other user while the first one is still open.
It's when I 'sign out' one or other of the users I get "signing out" but instead of the login screen I get a black screen with a rotating blue circle.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Ginkas,

with version 1703, you need to upgrade to version 1709. Do that first and see if it helps. See my previous link about upgrading!. :)
Jun 26, 2015
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That's what went wrong, upgrading to 1709 caused the problem.
I've now had to rollback to 1703 (which has corrected it) while I consider what else I can do.
Restarting the computer after changing user isn't the best practice and I was starting to get stuck in one user.
I did try your suggestion before I rolledback.

Maybe a second try will be successful, I remember that sometimes corrects things with Windows earlier versions.
Apr 22, 2017
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Give it a go, the best thing to do is back-up all your data and do a complete fresh install, that way you can be sure that nothing is left behind that may damage your system!.

When it comes to the point about putting in the licence key, click on "I don't have a key" and coninue!. :)
Jun 26, 2015
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Aaargh! Anything but that! :eek:
Actually, the 'other' user is my games partition.
There are over one hundred, mostly older games programs, patched, updated, patched and made to work with Windows 10. It took me over 6 months to get it all working, and being over 70 I don't fancy doing it all again, at least not until I have to get a new computer.

The memory is not as good as it once was (if it ever was) but I recall that the first Creators Update caused a problem with signing in and out. I think I eventually overcame this by reverting the lock screen picture (and linked sign-in screen) away from "Windows Spotlight" and back to the original "Picture". Why this corrected that fault I don't know; maybe it will correct this one :rolleyes:.

So, will now have to back up my SSD (just in case), reinstall 1709 and try the picture change.
Thanks for your help, it seems to have jogged my memory on this.
Jun 26, 2015
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Update. Re-Installed Creators Fall Update (version 1709) four days ago.
Noticed on 'Sign Out' it was slow and a black screen would show before going to the login screen.
Under 'personalisation' changed the lock screen to "Picture" from 'Windows Spotlight' and turn on "Show lock screen background picture on the sign on screen".
Had to do this a few times over the next 24 hours (Windows 10 drops back to its default until it, begrudgingly, accepts your choice).
Since then have had no trouble signing a user out nor any sign of the black screen.
Solved, at least until the next major update.

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