SOLVED Forum useage

Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
There is probably a split opinion on this!!
This is not the most used Windows 10 help forum on the web. I am happy to be here. It is Very friendly and like home.
I, like many, visit several other similar forums.

The most used (Popular) on th e web will, undoubtably, get you the answer you want. But, to endure that you have to go through quite few loops with alternative suggestions and, quite often, rudeness and sarcasm from other users if you step out of line.
Nothing there has changed over many years.
If you wish to branch out and offer something fresh, the feedback can sometimes want you to put a rope around your neck!!

Maybe, even here, it could be necessary to keep a look out for the odd "idiot" postings.
Anyway here we are. As an old time member, keep up the good and friendly work guys!


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Maybe, even here, it could be necessary to keep a look out for the odd "idiot" postings.

My experience here, is that Ian has gone out of his way to resolve Idiot postings, and at the same time has been quite compassionate with the accused poster. Some of those people still use this Forum and have reformed their ways; one I can think of, but will not name, has chosen to move on, despite being encourage to stay, but just tone down the sarcasm.

I feel most people here are respectful of others ideas and/or knowledge levels.

We may not be the largest forum on the Web, but to me that is not all that important.

I'll take quality support over numbers any day of the week.

As an example, just the other day @Saltgrass stepped in to a thread I was assisting JayB with, with an excellent solution he found in some Microsoft documents online. Now some people, might get offended when someone else finds the solution to an issue they are helping someone with. Personally, I am grateful, when others contribute; especially when the information provided is so damn superb!

So for what it's worth, if you* have an idea of what may help, please do jump in and post it. We all can learn from each other, and I'm not afraid to confess I don't have all the answers.

Coming back to @Saltgrass's post. The other thing I love about our Forum, is that most users who do find information elsewhere, will give credit to whomever it was that figured out a solution, which is exactly what Saltgrass did in this instance. I respect that, and in this particular case I've bookmark the document he mentioned, because its a very useful read.

* you; meaning everyone in this Forum


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I'll take quality support over numbers any day of the week.

As an example, just the other day @Saltgrass stepped in to a thread I was assisting JayB with, with an excellent solution he found in some Microsoft documents online. Now some people, might get offended when someone else finds the solution to an issue they are helping someone with. Personally, I am grateful, when others contribute; especially when the information provided is so damn superb!
This has been a hallmark of this forum going back to when it was briefly called "Windows 9" and nobody had a clue as to what was coming.
Please contribute whatever you can, whenever you can.
You never know when even a seemingly innocuous mention of some personal experience might just spark a light that grows into total illumination.

I'll simply mention a formerly frequent contributor @Wolfie (haven't heard a lot from him recently), when often his first response to a question on the forum was "What version / build of Windows 10 are you currently using"?

I can't help but think that most of us appreciated the value of the answer to that simple query and in light of the frequent changes that the OS was going through, how critical it was to know that, just to suggest how the OP might navigate the interface to arrive at a potential end-point and possible solution.

I just wanted to join this thread to say....
Thanks to everyone!
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I am happy, and a little surprised, at the response to the thread!
It was just a ramble in one of my boring moments.
On the subject of plagiarism. Windows 10, and all the previous versions, has been out for some time now. Most quick fixes and hints can be found on the web in abundance. Of course, the same solution will inevitably be arrived at, possibly by scores of users. In my early Vista days, (a troublesome beast), I came up with a couple myself, one of which is still constantly being used. At the same time, the solution was rampant on the web, it being so obvious. It bothers me not.
There is no harm, if a contributor /helper is not 100% sure, in having a quick google to confirm his thoughts on the query.
What is a little more pertinent, though, is finding a solution, very detailed and, in some cases even with guiding illustrations, copying it verbatim and pasting it in. A small rewrite would be more considerate or, as Regedit suggested, for the sake of decency, a reference to the site in question.
Nuf said


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
I'm so glad to hear that people enjoy this forum - I love that fact that we've got a little corner of the web where we're able to help people :D. It's so satisfying to see when new members have a problem that someone has managed to resolve on here, especially knowing that it'll help 10x more when they search for the same problem in the future.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi all,

I am still here so to speak, I have had another rough time with my health but I hope to be able to help in the near future. I hope you are all well and keep up the good work everyone. :)


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all,

I am still here so to speak, I have had another rough time with my health but I hope to be able to help in the near future. I hope you are all well and keep up the good work everyone. :)
Good to see you around again - hope you're recovering well :).
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi all,

I retire next year in May, I hope to be moving soon to a quieter place which may help my recovery. This has not yet been decided but in the works, I need to evaluate my options first. :):)

Still doing Linux (Kubuntu) and only really work with Windows when someone needs my help. Upgraded a Win 7 PC to W10 recently (see link below) and will be doing another in the next couple of days. :cool:

Have a good one everyone. :D:D:D
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
This is / was the first and only Windows 10 forum I joined when Windows 10 first appeared as a preview.

I've always received excellent help when needed and so I've never found the need to go to another Windows 10 forum as I prefer sticking to a reliable source.

There's a wealth of information on this forum and can be located easily by using the search bar from my experience.


Get Well and take care of yourself. :)

I've been helping people with their Windows 10 free update / upgrade from Windows 7 and most have gone well although have had some that were a real PITA.

I like Linux it works well for me on my old outdated computers.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks @poorguy, I will do my best. :) And of course, thanks to all the others that took the time to give me a mention in dispatches. :D:D:D

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