SOLVED Weird Windows 10 problem, freezing,etc

May 27, 2019
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Well, Windows has improved a lot since the bad old days, nowadays Windows 10 is fairly stable.
Having said that my version has just developed a weird problem.

When watching video, normally for longer time like 20-30 minutes or so, it suddenly freezes the whole computer, sometimes silently, sometimes making a loud weird noise.
When that happens can't switch off computer normal way, have to press the on/off button for a few seconds to shut it down.
An additional problem when leaving computer on, it shuts off and restarts itself continuously, every 10 to 20 minutes.

Also seems to happen frequently if playing a video and then pausing it, soon after everything is frozen.
When doing other stuff with computer, word processing. surfing,etc it seems to work fine, it's only when I leave the computer running without using it or play long videos or pause them, that it freezes.
On other odd, although not often, occasions when starting computer the mouse is not working, nor can I use devices through USB like external hard disk, again everything seems to be frozen.

Completely baffled by this can't seem to find a way to cure it or what caused it.

Someone suggested blocked fan and heat may be causing this, but fan opening seems clear and air coming out not hot, plus installed monitoring software and Processor Temp seems to be hovering around 50-60 which as far as I can tell is well within parameters.

With that kind of prob difficult to figure out what is causing it.

Another possible cause I thought of,although Lap is fairly new, is a dodgy USB port, although as novice not sure if this could cause freezing? Lap (Asus) has 3 USB, two with 2.0, one with 3.0.

The 3.0 port been causing me probs for a while, when connecting external HDD for example, at times not recognised, only way is to pull out USB cable and reinsert once or twice, then HDD works.

Looking at the plug it does seem pretty loose in the USB port so looks like USB port is worn already, although Lap only few months old. Pretty poor quality from Asus by the look.

Thought I had nailed it down, after using other USB, the slower 2.0, vids played OK from HDD and no freezing. Until this morning when Vid on pause froze again.

So thought maybe it is software prob... I tried to do a Windows partial restore but as often with Windows, when you're looking for restore point there either isn't one or just 1 not going back far enough.. one problem that hasn't changed from the bad old days.
Anyone got any ideas?


Oct 27, 2013
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Welcome to the forums :).

Because this is a laptop, I would also consider overheating (which you've already mentioned) when a freeze of this type appears. The CPU temp does seem OK, but it could be other components causing a problem.

When you say the laptop makes a strange noise when freezing, does it sound like something internal to the laptop or something through the speakers? Could it be a fan spinning at max RPM?

Although a bit drastic, I would perhaps consider backing up all of your important data and then perform a clean recovery install of Windows 10. The reason I suggest this is that your errors could very well be a hardware problem, as it doesn't sound like you're getting any error messages and the type of freezing suggests this. If a clean install of Windows 10 still has the same problems, I'd return it under warranty.
May 27, 2019
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thanks for reply and useful advice.

>Because this is a laptop, I would also consider overheating (which you've already mentioned) when a freeze of this type appears. The CPU temp does seem OK, but it could be other >components causing a problem.

Yeah the aforementioned bad USB port may cause some probs I guess.

>When you say the laptop makes a strange noise when freezing, does it sound like something internal to the laptop or something through the speakers? Could it be a fan spinning at max RPM?

No, its not that, fan seems to run faily noiseless, its like a very loud rasping kind of noise when Video is frozen.

>Although a bit drastic, I would perhaps consider backing up all of your important data and then perform a clean recovery install of Windows 10.

Yes did consider that but as you said lot of hassle. Guess could try the reinstall option where just system is restored, but files are kept , that be the obvious first choice although still hassle reinstalling all the progs- If that dont work, then full install.

>The reason I suggest this is that your errors could very well be a hardware problem, as it doesn't sound like you're getting any error >messages and the type of freezing suggests this. If a clean >install of Windows 10 still has the same problems, I'd return it under warranty.

Yeah in fact that may be the best solution, as it would also solve the dodgy USB port prob. But if sending it back unfortunately would also mean complete backing up all data in case they just send a new Lap.

Also decided to get myself one of those mini computers without screen, which connect to TV etc..always useful for back up in case main comp goes rogue -like now-and they are not expensive.
Actually bought one a while ago from Chuwi,which sadly only lasted about week before expiring,which was kind of underwhelming. Although to be fair, got a full refund from Chuwi without hassle.

Just hope the next one I choose may last longer than a week :)
Nov 19, 2013
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The direction, in the above posts, regarding the overheating - particularly of the CPU, is , in my opinion, the priority. But, if that is the fault, you will bee wasting time with a reinstall. The rasping noise, wild guess, could be some accumulated garbage around the CPu fan, which only shows itself when the overheating occurs and the fan speed increases.
If it were me, I would, in the first instance, hve the case opened and the fan and cpu thoroughly cleaned. You could give the whole motherboard a brush over whilst in there.

Later. Just read your initial post more carefully. As you say the Laptop is fairly new, I doubt that the CPU/fan is that bad, but still worth a look. Is there a possibility that the guarantee can be used? Seems there is something a little fish if the USB looks worn???
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May 27, 2019
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its Win 10 Pro, 64 bit
Intel Pentium N2400
8G Ram

Yeah as you said its fairly new so unlikely to be fan.

As I said temp is OK and fan runs silently with cool air coming out the grill.
and re guarantee... yeah mentioned that already, seems the best option as USB port is already dodgy, not something one would expect with Lap only few months old. As you said does look a bit fishy.

and does not say much for Asus quality!

Looking back had probs with video playback before too, other than freezing. When forwarding play (VLC Player), at times the vid broke up into pixels for a few seconds, before recovering into normal display- looked like buffering prob, not the kind of thing one would expect with 8G of Ram.
Yep definitely something fishy about this thing.

And bought this thing in Germany, thinking it would give option of installing other languages, which new Win comp usually does. But this, it looks like it has pre installed German only, which was kind of irritating.

so now stuck with dodgy USB port, freezing and German OS...Ahhrgh aint life a bitch :)

Well can live with German as I speak it fluent, just had to get used to Keyboard layout with those pain "Umlauts" Ä, Ü, Ö.
But still looks weird if used to English, which is simpler, German can be a proper mouthful!
Now instead of Log Off, I have to "Herunterfahren".

Dont know why the Germans dont just use English, as most can speak it and in any case German is virtually awash with English words, like i.e, Das Weekend, Der Bodyguard, Das Downloaden, Dating, das Networking, etc.
Nov 19, 2013
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My sympathies! I am a Brit, retired to Denmark for famil reasons. Most young (and many old) speak English as well as I. But for me to try and get my tongue around it - it's a nightmare.
May 27, 2019
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Well German is not a prob for me, as I said speak it fluent, but just prefer English, its simpler ....and international, useful if frequent traveller like myself.
Germans tend to have crazy long words, which can be a mouthful,example:

Try saying that after 5 pints of lager :)
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Oct 26, 2016
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Dont know why the Germans dont just use English, as most can speak it and in any case German is virtually awash with English words, like i.e, Das Weekend, Der Bodyguard, Das Downloaden, Dating, das Networking, etc.

After the latest "Reformation" or Sprachenreform speaking German is for me even an adventure and I AM German by birth just live in the US. Although living here has taken a toll on my German language skills as I have to think about it twice before I speak german language. It is soooooooo much easier in english....

It would be nice to have a universal language that can be spoken all over the world (as seen in the movie " Arrival ").
Nov 19, 2013
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Well, times sometimes change for the worst. My family are all fairly knowledgeable it the use of computers. Even the grandchildren, now no longer "tots". four of the adults are working full time in IT occupations.
We all now speak, for preference, a universal language - it's called Email or, more often , SMS. Lol
Apr 22, 2017
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To remove the German language, go to Settings > Time & Language > Language and remove German, make sure you have added a German keyboard to your English language set-up. You can also download an English version of Windows 10 as long as it is the same, Pro or Home etc when installing. Or continue using the German install medium and simply add/ remove languages at your leisure!. :)

May 27, 2019
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Yeah somebody I know mentioned before this is possible, having English as well.
But as I live in Germany at the moment would like to keep the German, but normally use English.
so thanks for that info, very useful:)

But more hassle (see other post re processor prob posted today) possible the seller has screwed me with lower specs than advertised, so damn thing is going back ...if so!
Apr 22, 2017
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A clean install may be a shortcut to solving your problem(s)?, if you don't have too much on the drive, save what you need to a USB stick or other back-up medium and do a complete fresh install, just click on "I don't have a licence key" to skip that part when installing and Windows will automatically activate itself!. :)
May 27, 2019
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Yeah looks like that the only option left, after doing partial reinstall (keeping files) but same prob persists with freezing /shutting down.
The weirdest thing of course is the fact that it works no prob if using it (Except if using Video- surfing and other stuff no probs)

Soon as one stops using it, within 10-20 mins it freezes or shuts down and starts again,Its a bleedin mystery. Anyway after backing up all the data its full reinstall... last chance..after that back to supplier.
Apr 22, 2017
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On my laptop, one of the USB ports causes a short when plugging something into it, unplug anything you don't need when using your computer then plug them back in one by one after giving the computer time to react to something being plugged in!. ;)

Let us know how you get on please. :)
May 27, 2019
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>Let us know how you get on please.

yeah sure will do:)
Well today in the final stages of backing up all my data before complete Reinstall. Took bloody ages as 1TB HDD was nearly full

As I said Partial one did not do much, still freezing,etc although the USB prob seems less and ext HDD is recognised every time, unlike before.

If it turns out complete reinstall cures it, then I am partly at fault for not being able to solve it sooner.
With Restore points being so random and never there when you need them, I was in the habit before of setting Restore point manually every Monday morning and checking later in the week if still there.
This time after buying new one, I did not do that, which was sloppy.

Well still a mystery so cause still unknown, but if complete reinstall solves it, shall get in the weekly restore habit again, would have saved me all this hassle.
Although of course its not a guarantee, with Win you just never know, even with much improved 10.

And my other back up solution should arrive Friday, a mini comp, which hopefully will last longer than the last one.
So be a busy tech week installing software and all the other set up stuff one needs to do.

Ah well at least one only wastes 25% of ones life with Win 10, compared to 50% plus during bad old Win days:)
May 27, 2019
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Another quick update
Mmmh ...things are getting weirder and very irritating:mad:
Would you bleedin believe it!
After spending ages backing up all my data, and just about ready for full Win reinstall ... and yeah, Sods law... since this morning Comp has been running perfectly, no crashes, Vids play for hours without freezing.

Its doing my bloody head in!
Only thing that happened, noticed today Firefox had updated itself to 67.0.1 ....and seems since then comp been running fine

Noticed in the past some people saying Firefox been getting worse of late and loads of bugs each new release-did some searching and it seems some versions of Firefox have been crashing and also causing Win to freeze/crash.

So perhaps Firefox was the cause and update cured prob?

Only thing is Firefox itself seemed ok before, just Windows crash/constant restarts or freeze.
So still not sure if Firefox was the prob.

Thats the prob with weird stuff, so hard to pin down.
So dont know whether to go ahead with reinstall or keep it like it is and hope for the best --- damn it, pain in the ass!
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi ro2124,

just make sure you have all your important data backed up and if push does come to shove, do a fresh install. it is often the best way to solve a niggling problem. :)
May 27, 2019
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Yeah usually it is, but weirdo stuff continues.Well received my back up device one of those mini computers which I am quite pleased with, so thought right will do full reinstall on the Lap.
And would you bloody believe it, suddenly not long after starting the mini comp next to the Laptop, its has been running perfectly for hint of a prob.
I am starting to think the bleedin things are talking to each other..maybe the mini comp said to the lap , Now look old chap, be serious and stop messing about.
Well apart from that cant think of any other explanation why it suddenly works fine.
Well at least saved the hassle of reinstall...unless its starts getting naughty again..we will see!
Apr 22, 2017
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Might have been an update that solved the problem?, it could be possible I suppose?. :)

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